About Us

PTA Board 2024-2025

Executive Committee

Laura Fujii, Co-President
Lily Shapiro, Co-President
Andrea de Majewski, Vice President
Kathryn Terry, Co-Treasurer
Michael McGloin, Co-Treasurer
Esther Handy, Co-Secretary
Jasmine Marwaha, Co-Secretary
Kevin Litwack, Advocacy Chair
Brent Large, Fundraising Liaison

At Large Members & Committee Leads

Casey Delgadillo
Lauren Easterling
Rosa Mestas
Ruby Sekhon
Nia Steward
Diana Thibado
Benson Wilder
Chris Tremonte

Dana Barnett

We are always looking for new membership. Join the board!

Support the PTA

The Leschi Elementary PTA serves the Leschi Elementary School Community and works for the health, welfare, safety, education, care, and protection of children in the home, school, and community.
All families and educators are welcome to PTA meetings and school events regardless of membership status; please consider joining us as a paying member to support our ongoing alignment, training, and advocacy with the Seattle Council PTSA, Washington PTA, and National PTA. (Note: joining the Leschi PTA will also affiliate you as a member of these larger PTAs.)

We invite every parent, guardian and educator to join the PTA. If you would like to be a paying member but need financial assistance, please let us know PTA_board_at_Leschi@googlegroups.com

Please make checks payable to Leschi PTA and drop off at Leschi Elementary or click the button to make payment online. Cost per member: $8.00         

The Leschi Elementary School PTA recently joined CANSSPA to publicly show our support and dedication to creating more equity in Seattle Schools.

The mission of the Central and North Seattle Schools PTA Alliance (CANSSPA) is to advocate for all children to receive adequate and equitable education through a model of network building, resource sharing, and collective advocacy.

We strive to help make Leschi Elementary a place where the community supports the students, staff, our families and each other.

PTA Board, Committees, Roles

  • Share ideas.

    Our PTA is open to all ideas and viewpoints. Share yourself with us. We have some planned events and ways of holding our group together, but we are always open to modifications and new ideas. Share them with us!

  • Join in.

    We have so many ways to get involved at Leschi. No matter what your time or availability is, we’d love to have your help. Volunteers are needed to make events happen, to continue the important work of the PTA all year long, to share ideas, to help in the classroom. There are roles in person and many that you can do from home. Browse through the jobs and let us know if you are interested in helping.