Upcoming events

Coffee Chat Q&A
Join fellow Leschi Families for coffee, donuts, community and a Q&A session with Principal Ramsey! Have something on your mind? Submit here: https://forms.gle/s3js5CN2ZiWbpJc66

Black Excellence Celebration
Celebrate Black History and Black Excellence with us on 2/27 @ 5:30. Art, Performaces, and Joy to celebrate our great Leschi Community.

Leschi School Tours
Help Spread the Word! Leschi Elementary will be holding school tours to showcase our wonderful community. Additional Tour Times are Tuesday 1/28 from 5:30 - 6:15 and Thursday 2/6 from 9:45 - 10:45.

MLK Jr. Day Assembly
Leschi will be celebrating MLK Jr. Day with an all school assembly Friday 1/17 @ 8:30 am. Families are encouraged to join!

PTA Community Meeting
Join us on Janurary 14th @ 5:30 on ZOOM.
Updates with Principal Ramsey
Preview upcoming Leschi Family events
Hear about After-School Programs
Connect with other families and build community!
Everyone is welcome, regardless of PTA membership!
See you virtually on Zoom (link to meeting sent in email) ~ Leschi PTA

Taste of Leschi
Join us for the Annual Community Potluck!
We invite you to bring a cultural dish to share. There is also an chance to present something that represents your culture during the open mic (Fashion, Music, etc.) Join in celebrating what makes our diverse commuinity so strong. (And Delicious)
In addition to sharing food and culture, PTA will host a gift Card Drive to support our families. Please bring gift cards of $25, $50, or more from safeway, amazon, Grocery Outlet or target to donate at the giving table during taste of leschi

Garfield Community Center Annual Holiday Party
Sign your child up for a Holiday Gift! 2323 E Cherry St, Seattle WA 98122 206-684-4788

Bullpup Coffee Chat
Coffee Chat with Prinicpal Ramsey and other Leschi Families right after school drop off. Great opportunity to connect, ask questions, and stay “in-the-know” about community events.

Teacher - Family Conferences
NO SCHOOL the week of 11/25 - Teachers will be reaching out to arrange family conferences for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Indigenous Day/Thanksgiving holiday on 11/26-27.

Vision Screening
Come Volunteer to help our students get their vision screening! Sign up for part of the day or full day and Nurse Christina will train you quickly! Sign up here: https://forms.office.com/r/n0FFznvgnV

Kindergarten Family Meetup
Come meet other Kindergarten Families this Thursday at Temple Patries on Jackson! Connect with community and enjoy some treats or bring your own.

Fall Festival
This is a fun event at which you can meet other Leschi families and staff and celebrate the fall season. There will be a fire engine visit from our local fire station, face painting, arts & crafts, outdoor games, and a photo booth. In addition to a community potluck, we will have a food truck and ice cream cart (weather-dependent) with food items for purchase.
Fall Fest can only happen with the support of our community -- please volunteer to help out! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4EA4A62EA6FEC34-52132115-fall

1st Community Meeting of the year
You're Invited to a Community Meeting!
Join us on October 15th at 5:30 in the Library or on ZOOM.
Updates with Principal Ramsey
Brief update on Seattle Public Schools budgeting and closure plans
Preview upcoming Leschi Family events
Hear about After-School Programs
Leschi School GEAR Clothing Swap -- bring outgrown Leschi Spirit Wear and trade up!
Connect with other families and build community!
Everyone is welcome, regardless of PTA membership!
See you there in Person or on Zoom (link to meeting sent in email)! ~ Leschi PTA

First Day of School (pre/K)
A big warm welcome to our newest little Bullpups. Hope you all have a very good first day of school .

First Day of School (1st-5th)
Welcome back, everyone! Reminder that this is a full day of school for 1st-5th grades and the day ends at 2:25pm.
Back to School Playground Social
Stop by for a popsicle while meeting your classmates and teachers for the upcoming school year. Let’s get off to a great start this year and start building relationships before we get back to the classrooms. All are welcome.

3rd grade meet up
The 3rd grade co-family facilitators invite the 3rd grade families to kick off the start of the year by having a meet up at Peppi’s Playground. Families can come say hello and kids can run around and see each other before returning to school. Hope to see you there!

New Family and 1st grade summer picnic at Peppi’s Park
All new families are welcome to join the 1st grade families for a summer picnic. After the Kindergarten meet and greet, stay for socializing, playing and picnicking together. The first grade families will provide a welcome picnic potluck from 5-6:30. Feel free to bring whatever else you would like to have or share.

Kindergarten Meet & Greet
Kindergarten teachers are hosting a meet-up at Peppi’s Park for all incoming Kindergarten students. Spread the word to other kindergarten families. We are excited to meet all of you!

Leschi Family Welcome at Peppi's Park
All families are welcome to socialize, play and picnic with us in Peppi’s Park. Meet other new families, reconnect with friends, and say hello to Principal Ramsey. Light refreshments will be provided or bring your whole family and a picnic in the park. Come on by to make connections with other families before the school year begins. Representatives from the PTA will be there if you have any questions or want to hear about ways to get involved.
To sign up to bring something or help with this event, sign up here.

5th Grade Promotion
5th grade families, you are invited to spend a very special evening celebrating your outgoing 5th grader as a community one last time at Leschi Elementary School. Come cheer your child on while celebrating all of the hard work, friendships, memories and growth that happened over their time in elementary school.
On behalf of Fifth Grade Families and Teachers, Leschi is encouraging parents & caregivers of 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st, and Kindergarten students to help provide a fun and celebratory send off for our Fifth Graders. Promotion will begin at 5 pm on June 18, and there are many ways you can assist before, during, and after our festivities. Please sign up!

Field Day
Leschi’s annual field day is coming soon! Some of you know this is a big event that students will remember for the rest of their lives. We need a lot of volunteers to help run each activity. Activities are held on the playground and at Peppi’s Park.
Please help volunteer if you can. It’s so much fun! Click here for more.

End of year Community Meeting
This is a chance for the adults in the community to gather together one more time before the school year comes to an end. Celebrate, socialize, and plan for next year. Come out and hear about opportunities or roles you can be involved in to keep the community of Leschi Elementary going strong. Bring your ideas and feedback!
Principal Ramsey will be giving us a school update and will allow time for Q&A.
Light refreshments, as always.
*childcare provided

Leschi Family Dance
The PTA and 5th grade leaders are excited to announce the theme of this year’s family dance- Under The Sea! Get ready for a fun-filled night for parents, students and siblings to shake it on the dance floor. We will have snacks, a photo booth, fun music, costumes, and more! Look for emails with more details soon! Help and bring something to share.
Hope you can come with your entire family!

Digital Wellness Parent Education Night
Join us Tuesday, May 21 for a presentation and Q&A session in the Leschi School library. Get support for your family’s tech-related questions and concerns. Gain tools and practices your family can use right away. Join other Leschi parents and caregivers for learning, discussion, and refreshments. Facilitated by Kelly Smith, Leschi parent, educator, and intern mental health counselor at Riverbank Therapy.

It’s that time of year again to start asking friends, families, neighbors to donate to your efforts and raise money for our school while having fun with friends on the blacktop. Move, shake, run, walk, scoot around the playground for 15 minutes. We will need many volunteers to help make this events a success. Emails with details coming soon!
Get started on asking for donations!
99pledges website - donate and share

Walk/Bike to school day
Walk, bike, or roll to school together on May 8th! Walking, biking, and rolling to school supports exercise, reduces pollution, and connects neighbors. Studies even show students arrive at school more attentive and ready to learn.
Can’t walk all the way? Park a couple blocks away from school and walk in!

Staff Appreciation Week
We will be showering our staff with love and extra attention all week. Co-chairs, Violet and Erin, are coordinating this very special week for our beloved staff at Leschi, so pay attention to their detailed emails and sign up to help! We will be asking for food, gifts and help with the daily activities.
Leschi Staff Lounge Wish List
Salad Bar Sign Up HERE
Dessert Day Sign Up HERE

Summer Ready Health & Wellness Fair
Stop by Leschi Elementary to learn about the various youth and family programs for summer enrichment around this year.
Example of Services/Programs-
Before and Afterschool programs
Behavioral health
Medical/ Dental/ Vision
Day and overnight/away camps
Homework support
Visit and school and find what works for your families and children. There will be various services and programing to explore.
Reach out to michelle.reese@seattlechildrens.org if you have any questions about this event.