After school care and enrichment activities
Let’s create opportunities for our children.
At Leschi, we have parent-run groups, parent-organized / PTA sponsored activities and access to community programming. We are here to connect you with all of these options.
2024-2025 After-school care options
Launch Learning@ Leschi: Childcare program located in the Leschi Elementary School building, contact leschi@launchlearning.org or visit http://www.launchlearning.org/locations/leschi/
Central Area Youth Association: Located near the corner of 23rd Ave. and Yesler Way. CAYA provides after-school homework and tutoring childcare from 2:30-6:00 pm. Contact info@seattle-caya.org or visit http://seattle-caya.org/
Rotary Boys and Girls Club: Childcare program located at 19th Ave. and East Spruce St, Rotary provides after-school childcare until 6 pm. Website with contact info: https://positiveplace.org/clubs/rotary/
Holgate Church of Christ: Located at Holgate and MLK Way. You can learn more information about the Holgate program at http://www.studentfamilysupport.com/#/ or you can call Mr. Jimmy Hurd at 206-717-4775.
A for Apple: Located near the corner of Jackson St. and 23rd Ave. More information at https://www.a4applelearningcenter.org/
Central Connections: For more information please visit centralconnectionsnatureschool.com or contact Jan directly at 296-619-5724
2024-2025 after-school Enrichment
New Programming this year
Enrichment Management- Winter Session
Many new after school offerings are available this year at Leschi through Enrichment Leschi Classes. Sessions run from Jan. 7th - Mar. 11th. Sign up for classes you are interested in and get others to sign up!
Past programming run through the PTA at Leschi Elementary School
Spring 2025:
Ultimate Frisbee (Benson Wilder)
Baking for Kids (Brendan O’Donnell)
AmeriCorps Girls Scouts of Leschi
Girls on the Run 4th/5th mentorship & 5K run club (Erin Coomer)
Flyers and emails are sent out directly to families with registration information.
Let us know if you have questions for future programing or if you’d like to offer your talent, time, ideas or services.
Community enrichment activities
Seattle Parks and Recreation - 2025 Activities
Garfield Community Center would love to work closely with Leschi Students to get them signed up for after-school and weekend enrichment classes. Call (206) 684-4788 or use this registration information to sign your child up.
Scholarship instructions for Seattle Parks and Recreation programing , including low cost full-day camps are found here.
Looking for Break and Summer Camps? A Parent @ Leschi has created a site that may assist in finding something! Try here: CAMPWING
Other local Seattle organizations for activities
Coach G’s Athletics: futsal, soccer, summer sports camp programing for kids of all ages. Local programs nearby, including St. Therese and Leschi. https://www.coachgsathletics.com/
Capitol Hill Soccer: boys and girls U6+ http://www.capitolhillsoccer.org/home.php?layout=32379
Mc Gilvra soccer: boys and girls U6+ http://www.mcgilvrasoccer.org/
The Beacon: Kids Break Dancing (6-13yrs old) with the Massive Monkeys http://www.massivemonkees.com/thebeacon/
Watts Basketball Academy: Skills classes (4th-8th) and Little Dribblers (K-3)
Boys and Girls Club Rotary Sports & Camps on 19th: register with Boys and Girls Club King County, search Rotary as location
Dinky Dunkers at the Jewish Community Center- Winter basketball (4-8 year olds)
Basketball fundamentals, game strategies, and fair play. Kids must be at least four years old to participate. https://sjcc.org/programs/j-kids/dinky-dunkers/
CD Panther Football and Cheer: (6 – 14yrs old) https://cdpanthers.sportngin.com/
Seattle Central Little League (4 to 14) baseball and softball programs from February through July https://www.seattlecentralll.org/